Just think, if the ancient Romans still ruled the world, we would not be celebrating New Year's Day until March 1st. That seems a bit more logical as it is close to our Spring equinox. But leave it to a politician to fix it: around 150 B.C. two more months were added to the calendar; and then in 46 B.C. our pal, Julius Caesar implemented the so called Julian calendar, which was more useful because it was based on solar movement. Prior to that, the Roman calendars were following the moon and became inaccurate over the centuries. January 1st became the start of the new year at that point because new Roman consuls were elected on that day.
In the middle ages, religion stepped in to reset things; January 1st fell out of favor with Christians in Europe because it was thought to be too pagan-like. Dates like Easter or Christmas were used instead. Finally, in 1582, the Gregorian calendar restored January 1st as the start of the year. But of course there was one large outlier: the U.K. and colonies still used March as the start of the year and did not adopt the new improved calendar until 1752.
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Returning to the present, it's that time of year again here at wildflower blog central. The volunteer staff has the next couple of months off, but not to worry, yours truly will be here to monitor our busy inbox and to keep those lenses polished and camera batteries charged up. Meanwhile, between sips of black coffee and green tea, planning is underway for next season. And since Santa did not bring us a drone, we will be earthbound for another year.
But seriously, we do have a backlog of posts to release throughout this time period, so be sure to stay tuned and keep your subscriptions current. The skeleton crew will be busy researching new places to visit and explore as the long winter nights nip at our toes. If you have any ideas, be sure to drop us a line* as they used to say in the olden days.
Meanwhile, to round out this post, here are some photos from the past year that did not make it into a post. So many photos and so little time.**
January 2015
Left: Thimbleberry branches in sunset light at Bald Peak State Park.
Right: Shelf Fungus at Cooper Mountain Nature Park.
February 2015
Left: Turkey Tail fungus at Rood Bridge Park.
Right: Winter Aconite at Cherry Street trail.
March 2015
Left: Trout Lily at Jenkins Estate.
Right: Western Trillium colony at Jenkins Estate.
April 2015
Left: Wild Iris (aka, Oregon Flag, Douglas Iris, Iris Tenax) at Cooper Mountain Nature Park.
Right: Dove's Foot Geranium at Champoeg State Park.
May 2015
Left: Koi and Yellow Flag Iris at Dawson Creek Park.
Right: California Poppy and Bee in our yard.
June 2015
Left: Tooth-Leaved Monkeyflower at Drift Creek Falls.
Right: Foxglove at Gales Creek.
July 2015
Left: Streambank Arnica on the Mary's Peak road.
Right: Oregon Silverspot butterfly on Oxeye Daisy, on Mary's Peak.
August 2015
Left: Sharp-shinned Hawk waiting for a squirrel on Laurelview Road.
Right: Western Gray squirrel laying low in the Columbia Gorge.
September 2015
Left: Cosmos at Riverbend Park in Bend.
Right: Sunflower at Riverbend Park in Bend.
October 2015
Left: Sweet Alyssum growing in the sand at Oceanside.
Right: Spotted Knapweed at Henry Hagg Lake.
November 2015
Left: Red Osier Dogwood leaf at Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
Right: Vine Maple leaves at Tualatin Hills Nature Park.
December 2015
Left: Himalayan Blackberry Leaf in our yard.
Right: Leafless Willow stalks at Dawson Creek Park.
* This phrase has its origins in the mid 1600's and generally means "a few written words." Amazingly this can apply to today's text message or email.
** Another well-used phrase that may date back to Roman days and highly adapted into multiple languages thereafter. Even Mae West used it to lament about her male suitors.