Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall Colors

Just for the record, we are having the most memorable October weather here in western Oregon I can remember - and it's not just me saying that - even the weather professionals are saying it as well! So many sunny, dry days in a row I wake up every morning and think I'm in California. Yow! Not only that, but we seem to have had the ideal setup for maximum color on our local deciduous leaves: a cool, wet end to September and then warm sunny weather returns in October.

In addition, it's also a banner year for mushrooms. Those buggers are popping up everywhere now. Will have to do a separate post on those!

Sure, you've all seen those calendar pictures with the amped-up saturated Fall colors of idealistic postcard scenes. Well I don't have any of those to share, but now that I'm RGWC (Retired Guy With Camera), I can catch more fall colors than I would if I was stuck in a cube at work.

So why post these in a wildflower blog? Good question...

The answer circles back to RGWC. And the cold hard truth that there just aren't that many wildflowers blooming around here now - go figure! So my apologies to followers who only want to hear about wildflowers. I'll try to get in a few trips before Spring to add some flowers... maybe Brookings?!

Meanwhile, here's a few non-calendar photos to commemorate this wonderful October...

Poplars in Cornelius on TV Highway.

Non-native maples at Hillsboro airport.

Native Oregon Ash at Champoeg State Park.

Beautiful old maple on SW 229th, Hillsboro

Gingko at Tuality Healthcare parking

Tall red maples at the Reserve golf course.

Pinot Noir grapevines in Laurel.

Red maple on River Road, Hillsboro.

Toxic Bittersweet Nightshade berries.

Native Big Leaf Maple in Laurel.

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